Thursday, July 8, 2010

2:30 a.m. Sewing Project...

It's not very bright of me to be up until 2:30 a.m. sewing, and even more dumb of me to post about it at 2:45 a.m....especially when I have four children that are early risers!  Oh well, it's not like I have much time for stuff like this during the day with a two year old and a four month old needing A LOT of attention!  I'm sure there are others of you out there that do the same thing...right?

This is a little reversible dress that I made for my baby girl.  The dress whipped up in no time.

This is the back view.  It is an open back which shows off the ruffly diaper cover that I made.  The flip side of the dress is the tiny flower print that is on the hens.  It's cute, and I meant to take a picture, but I forgot...and my eyes are starting to lose their vision...

I love the ruffled diaper cover, but it most certainly did not whip up as fast as the dress!  Sewing those tiny leg holes was a pain in the...well, nevermind.

I would have loved to have taken a picture of it on my little model, but she is fast asleep.  Did I mention what time it is???  Oh well, I'm going to take my dry, scratchy eyes and go to bed!  Good night...


  1. I can tell you and I would be friends in real life ;). Nice to meet you!

  2. This is precious! You can sleep on the way LOL!! I can't wait to see pictures of Isabella in this cute outfit!! Great Job!!

  3. Do you have the pattern to this? Imso keen to make it!

  4. Do you have the pattern to this? Imso keen to make it!

  5. Hello brose!

    I used a diedyediva pattern for this project. You can find her on Etsy or at
    Happy Sewing!

  6. typing... It's tiedyediva.


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