I have a new baby girl due in February, and I have been trying like crazy to get ready for her by making some of the things that she will need. I had to get the Christmas sewing done first, but now that Christmas is behind us, I have been able to focus on Isabella's arrival!
Here are some of the projects that I have completed so far...
This is a nursing cover-up, so actually it's for me. :) Isabella will have to eat, but I like to have privacy! The neckline has boning so that I can see her if I need to, and she can have ventilation.
A Moses basket... These are so nice to carry from room to room. That way, there is always a soft place to lay the baby. I used the basket for Aidan, but it was covered in blue material. After two little boys, I was ready for some pink! I used a very soft minky dot material for the pad and flannel for the bumper. When I showed it to Seth, our little Jack tried to climb right on in (although he turned the whole thing over!), so it must look inviting.
A soft flannel blanket...
I plan to monogram this blanket with Isabella's initials. It looks very "girly" to me!
I still have so much more that I want to make...burp cloths, a diaper bag, clothes, headbands, baby shoes, etc! The list could go on and on...